The University Library signed a new 3-year read and publish agreement with Wiley, which will cover a limited number of research articles accepted in hybrid journals from 2024 to 2026.
As the number of available free article processing charges (APC) is limited, the distribution will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Eligible Authors
Authors affiliated with KAUST where the research was conducted, i.e., students enrolled at or accredited to KAUST or who are teaching and research staff employed by KAUST (such affiliation is not necessary at all points in the research process);
Authors who are designated as the responsible corresponding author within Wiley’s submission system and Author Services platform. In the case of multiple corresponding authors being identified on the version of record, it is the author designated as the responsible corresponding author who is the Eligible Author (and such responsible corresponding author is not required to appear as the first author);
Eligible Articles
Primary research and review articles, including but not limited to articles classified by Wiley as Case Study, Commentary, Data Article, Education, Lecture, Method and Protocol, Perspective, Practice and Policy, Rapid Publication, Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication, and Technical Note. A list with real-time updates is available here.
Workflow for KAUST Authors
Under the Hybrid WOAA Workflow, the Eligible Author, as designated on submission of an Eligible Article, or subsequently identified as such within Author Services, must identify the Eligible Author’s affiliation with KAUST, by selecting from a standardized list of institutions in the electronic editorial office submission and Author Services systems.
Once the affiliation is identified, the Eligible Author will be presented with a choice of publishing open access. Wiley will include sufficient information and guidance to encourage Eligible Authors to publish open access as part of this Agreement (so long as the correct affiliation of the Eligible Author is captured in Wiley systems’ metadata) and that they do not need to pay an APC. If an author elects not to publish open access, the article will not be covered by this Agreement.
For Hybrid Journals that do not follow the WOAA Workflow, Wiley will make reasonable efforts to inform the Eligible Author that the Eligible Articles are meant to be published open access under this Agreement where the Eligible Author has identified an affiliation with a Customer in the electronic editorial office submission system.
Before the version of record is published, Eligible Authors of Eligible Articles (and, if different, the owner of any copyright in such articles), must sign Wiley’s then-current open access author agreement. Eligible Authors will be able to select from the following Creative Commons licenses, as applicable for the particular journal: Attribution International (CC BY), Attribution Non-Commercial International (CC BY-NC), Attribution No-Derivatives International (CC BY-ND), or Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives International (CC BY-NC-ND). The publication workflow will, whenever possible, direct Eligible Authors to CC BY as the first option if permitted by the applicable journal and its policies.
More information about Wiley Open Access Deals on Wiley Author Services