KAUST signed a Read and Publish agreement with AIP Publishing (AIPP) from 2023 to 2025 for AIPP hybrid journals.
Research and review articles that identify the corresponding author as a KAUST student, researcher or faculty member during the submission process have the opportunity to be published as Open Access.
Submitting an article Open Access through the Read & Publish agreement with AIP Publishing
1. At the point of submission, authors will be informed about the agreement and asked if they want to publish Open Access.
2. If they choose this option, their article will be published OA in the selected AIPP hybrid journal.
3. The author will need to agree to the CC-BY open access license.
NOTE: the number of OA articles that can be published under this agreement is limited per year.
If you need further details, or a meeting, or presentation to your team - please email us at library@kaust.edu.sa
NOTE: Journals on the list covered by the agreement are Read and Publish. The exceptions are AIP Advances and APL Materials, gold open access journals, not eligible for this agreement (the agreement covers only hybrid journals).
Only Read means that KAUST is subscribed to the journal, but no open access option available.
KAUST Signs Multi-Year Transformative Agreement with AIP Publishing (April 16, 2020)