KAUST Library signed a read and publish agreement for 2025 to 2027 with Springer Nature that covers Springer hybrid journals ( NOTE: Nature portfolio journals are not part of this deal).
Eligible authors
Affiliated Authors who have signed one of the open-access publishing agreements used by the publisher of the Springer Hybrid Journal to which the author is submitting an article for publication under an Open Access License. (“Affiliated Authors” means authors who are teaching and research staff employed by or otherwise accredited to KAUST or who are students enrolled at or accredited to KAUST. In the case of articles published by multiple authors, only the corresponding author qualifies as an Affiliated Author.)
Eligible articles
Articles by Eligible Authors that are editorially accepted for publication in a Springer Hybrid Journal, with an Approval Date during the Term.
To be considered for publication in a Springer Hybrid Journal, an article must be original, not violate any law and/or infringe third-party rights, meet all ethical standards as required in the current guidelines of the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE) and other policies of the Licensor or the relevant journal, and be one of the following article types:
a) Original Paper – Standard article, generally presenting new results, which may also be referred to as Original Research, Original Article, Original Paper, or Research Paper.
b) Review Paper – Standard article, interpreting previously published results.
c) Brief Communication – A short article submitted for rapid publication that exhibits the
same structure as a standard article.
d) Continuing Education – Article forming an integral part of further education (usually medical).
Open Access License
Creative Commons license or other open-access license, used for the publishing of Eligible Articles in Springer Hybrid Journals. The standard OA licenses offered are CC-BY-NC-ND and CC BY, with the exception of those journals which offer only CC BY or CC BY-NC.
To learn more about the agreement, please visit:
NOTE: The number of OA articles that can be published under this agreement is limited per year.
If you need further details, or a meeting, or presentation to your team - please email us at library@kaust.edu.sa