The circulation policies pertain to materials in the University Library collection. The Harbor Library and KAUST community schools libraries are administered separately and have their own policies. However, Harbor Library and University Library collections are both displayed in the University Library online catalog, and you may return borrowed material to either the University or Harbor Library
All individuals with KAUST identification cards are entitled to borrow materials from the University Library collection and to use its e-resources. This includes students, faculty, and staff of KAUST, contractors to the university, and dependents who reside at KAUST.
Official visitors to KAUST may arrange for temporary borrowing privileges by contacting
Patrons are responsible for all materials borrowed on their ID. The Library sends e-mail notices as a courtesy to its customers to aid in keeping track of all transactions and to renew items. The following guidelines are applied to patron use of materials.
Materials in the general circulating collection may be borrowed. This includes travel materials and non-book materials.
Non-circulating reference books and course reserves are marked with a yellow spine label with the word “REFERENCE” and may not be borrowed. Printed newspapers and periodicals also are not available to be borrowed.
Materials may be borrowed 24/7 at the library’s self-service machines. For help to borrow during business hours, patrons may ask at the Information Desk or in the Administrative Offices at level 3. Patrons will be held responsible for making sure books are properly returned at the end of the borrowing period.
General collection (including travel books): Circulating items from the general collection are loaned for 30 days. These loans may be renewed 6 times for an additional 30 days.
Non-book material: Loaned for 14 days, may be renewed 6 times for an additional 14 days.
Reserves: Course reserve materials are determined by the instructor and available only for in-library use. If books are recalled for the current semester textbooks, the patron has to return on the requested date.
Type of Material | Can be Borrowed for | Can be Renewed | Total Loan Period |
General Collection (including travel books) | 30 days | 6 times for 30 days for each renewal | 30 days. May be renewed until requested by other users |
Non-book materials (e.g. DVDs) | 14 days | 6 times for 14 days for each renewal | 14 days. May be renewed until requested by other users |
Reference, Closed Reserves, Newspapers & Magazines | Does not circulate, for use in-library only | Does not circulate | Does not circulate |
Patrons may request circulating items listed as borrowed. Borrowed items will be recalled from the current borrower. This will change an item’s due date and the current borrowing patron may have to return the item early. Items that have been recalled may not be renewed.
The original borrower will be allowed the item for at least 10 total days and will have three days from the new due date to return the recalled item. A courtesy e-mail notice will be sent notifying patrons of any recall(s) on item(s) and the new due date. Failure to return the material by the new date will result in an overdue fine accrued at the rate of 10.00 SAR/day per recalled item.
There is no limit on how many items can be borrowed at one time from the University Library.
Items may be renewed online or at the library’s self-service machines, at the Information Desk, or by e-mailing a request to
General collection materials circulate for 30 days and may be renewed 6 times provided another patron has not requested the item.
When a patron borrows items at the University Library self-service machines, a receipt may be printed that shows the date the materials are due for return. Patrons will receive an e-mailed notice from the University Library one day before borrowed items are due for return. Additional notices will be sent on the day an item is due and 7, 14, and 21 days after the due date. Notices are sent to the e-mail address registered in the patron’s library account. The University Library does not fine for late returns but does expect the patron to renew or return the material in a timely manner.
The patron will be charged a late fee for materials not returned when requested by another patron at the rate of 10 SAR/day. After a fine of 100.00 SAR has accumulated, patron borrowing privileges will be blocked until the overdue item is returned.
Patrons will have two weeks from the time a book is reported lost to find it at which time they will be fined if the book has not been recovered. The patron will be charged a fee totaling the book value plus a 100 SAR administration fee for each item. Long overdue items are assumed to be lost. Patrons are responsible for settling fines as part of the Departure Clearance process from KAUST.
If a patron cannot find an item and believes it is to be within the library, the library will conduct a thorough search to be sure the item is not within the library. The borrowing patron will still be held responsible for the book if it is not found through a book trace and handled as a lost item.
If a borrowed item is damaged to the extent that, in the judgment of the responsible library staff, it must be removed from the library collection, the patron’s account will be assessed a fee in a manner identical to the Lost Item Fee. Before borrowing, it is the responsibility of the borrower to notify the librarian of any damages to the book.
Free document delivery services are available to KAUST students, faculty, and staff. If the Library does not own or have online access to a needed book chapter, document, or article, it will purchase the needed material from a document delivery provider for your individual use.
Detailed information about document delivery can be found here.
A circulation record will be available to patrons through My Account. This feature may be used to:
The Information Desk is staffed Sunday - Thursday. Patrons can also visit the 3rd-floor staff offices during regular business hours, visit the library website at,or send an e-mail to library staff at