The University Library exists to support the research and academic missions of KAUST. We are open to all community members without compromising this focus. KAUST sponsored events occur periodically in the Library; prior notice will be provided and efforts made to minimize disturbance.
The purpose of this code is to maintain a welcoming and pleasant library space conducive to study and research, whilst protecting the health and safety of patrons, and preserving materials, equipment, and facilities. Appropriate library conduct prioritizes the pursuit of research and study by encouraging mutual respect for the rights of other users.
In cases of inappropriate behavior, offenders must present ID card to Library staff and University Security upon request. Situations that endanger individuals or others will be treated extremely seriously.
Complaints should be lodged at the InfoDesk during Library business hours and/or with Security [Emergency - 911; Non-emergency - 922] and/or with
Appropriate action will be taken by the Library Administration and University Security against any users who do not follow these rules. Escalation processes will see offenders forbidden from the facility.