Gives you access to Mathematical Reviews, the main index for mathematical literature published after 1940 in the United States, as well as Current Mathematical Publications, a current awareness journal listing the latest publications (books and journal articles) in mathematics. It offers access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Over 100,000 new items are added each year.
MathSciNet® uses the Mathematics Subject Classification scheme to organize its content. You can learn more about the Mathematics Subject Classification here.
For an informative introduction and step-by-step detailed instructions on how to maximize your use of MathSciNet, check out this downloadable guide here. Instructions start on p.5.
For Video Tutorials from AMS/MSN, look under MathSciNet Tutorials or For a Video Tutorial in Spanish on MathSciNet
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online is a comprehensive online reference resource which covers the fundamentals and applications of statistics in all fields where it is widely used. This is the most inclusive, authoritative, online reference source available in statistics.
Oxford Scholarship Online--Mathematics
Full Text access to titles published to OSO from the 2007 to the current year, inclusive. OSO Mathematics includes selected titles from the key series: Oxford Mathematical Monographs; Oxford Logic Guides; Oxford Statistical Science Series; Oxford Studies in Probability; Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics; and the Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications; in addition to a number of non-series collections and reference works.
This online library meets the needs of statisticians and researchers employing statistical science across a wide range of disciplines from Frequentist to Bayesian, biostatistics to finance.
***Select the area of math from the Subject area list. On the right side of the next page lists the titles available in that area of Math.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
The Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) is an international professional and scholarly society devoted to the development, dissemination, and application of statistics and probability.
Current Index to Statistics (CIS)
The CIS is a bibliographic index to publications in statistics, probability, and related fields. CIS will remain open until December 31, 2019, after that date it will be shut down.
JSTOR Mathematics and Statistics Journals
This collection brings together over 50 archival titles in the mathematical and statistical sciences. Notable authors in this collection include historical giants such as Einstein and Newton as well as contemporary mathematicians such as Lions, Mandelbrot, and Connes.
Choose the Mathematics or the Statistics link from the JSTOR Discipline list.
Statistica Sinica aims to meet the needs of statisticians in a rapidly changing world. It provides a forum for the publication of innovative work of high quality in all areas of statistics, including theory, methodology and applications. The journal encourages the development and principled use of statistical methodology that is relevant for society, science and technology. It is published quarterly in January, April, July and October.
Econometrica (current) or backlist (1933-2016 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 84, No. 6)
Econometrica publishes original articles in all branches of economics - theoretical and empirical, abstract and applied, providing wide-ranging coverage across the subject area. It promotes studies that aim at the unification of the theoretical-quantitative and the empirical-quantitative approach to economic problems and that are penetrated by constructive and rigorous thinking. It explores a unique range of topics each year - from the frontier of theoretical developments in many new and important areas, to research on current and applied economic problems, to methodologically innovative, theoretical and applied studies in econometrics.
Paid access to 30 mathematics journals along with select archival access to additional journals in the list. The IMS journals are hosted on Euclid Prime.
Taylor & Francis Journals in Mathematics and Statistics
This is a subset of the T&F Science and Technology journal collection. Scroll down below the T& F search box to find subject collection links. There are 45 journals in Mathematics and Statistics.