American Math Society e-book series
CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics
AMS Chelsea Publishing
Courant Lecture Notes
Fields Institute Communications
Fields Institute Monographs
Simon Book Series
Student Mathematical Library
Mathematical Surveys and Monographs
AMS Translations: Series 2
Mathematical World
CRM Monographs
CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes
AMS Colloquium series
University Lecture series
IAS/Park City
All S&T ebooks, including the entire e-book series Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics and Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics, and other math titles.
Oxford Scholarship Online--Mathematics
Full Text access to titles published to OSO from the 2007 to the current year, inclusive. OSO Mathematics includes selected titles from the key series: Oxford Mathematical Monographs; Oxford Logic Guides; Oxford Statistical Science Series; Oxford Studies in Probability; Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics; and the Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications; in addition to several non-series collections and reference works.
***Note: We also have access to OSO Physics e-books from the 2007 to the current year, inclusive.
Full-text access to the SIAM books. Access by clicking on the book's title, then scroll down to the TOC and click on the chapter you are interested in. When that page comes up, click on the PDF symbol on the right-hand side and ignore the purchase option.
American Math Society (AMS) ebook series: KAUST has the complete run of 15 AMS ebook series.
Math e-books from CRC Publishing. An Online library of top-tier Chapman & Hall/CRC references, handbooks, pocketbooks, and primers. Immediate access to theories, equations, or analytical methods anytime they are needed.
***Select the math area from the subject area list. The right side of the next page lists the titles available in that area of Math.
This online library meets the needs of statisticians and researchers employing statistical science across various disciplines from Frequentist to Bayesian, biostatistics to finance.
***Select the math area from the subject area list. The right side of the next page lists the titles available in that area of Math.
Elsevier e-books (ScienceDirect)
Search the STEM collection from Elsevier.
SpringerLink is an integrated full-text database for journals, books, protocols, eReferences, and book series published by Springer. SpringerLink also offers free access to search, tables of content, abstracts, alerting services to all its resources, and full-text access to subscribed resources.
O’Reilly is a database featuring thousands of computer science, programming languages, coding, digital media, and business books and videos.
Cornell University Library Historical Mathematics Monographs
Includes 576 Math books (512 titles, 576 volumes) of selected monographs with expired copyrights. These materials are publicly available.
University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
A growing collection of mathematical texts, primarily from the 19th and 20th centuries, that have been digitized to preserve and facilitate access to them.
Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum
Initially funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - German Research Foundation - (DFG), it now includes multinational partners to provide access to digitized historical mathematical texts. Note that many of these texts are not in English. There is an English search interface and a German search interface.
An online resource for Leonhart Euler's original work and modern scholarship with the goal of providing access to all of Euler's work. Since much of Euler's original work was published in Latin, this site contains information on translations, and whenever possible, links to those works.
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Provides a modern revision of Abramowitz and Stegun's