MathSciNet® with MathJax: Displayed Mathematics
MathJax is an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in modern browsers (Firefox 3.5+, IE 6+, Safari 3.1+, Opera 10+, Chrome 1+). If you are using one of these browsers MathSciNet® will display typeset mathematics directly in web pages. More information about MathJax is available at The American Mathematical Society is a sponsor of this project.
For examples of mathematics displayed in MathSciNet® with MathJax, see reviews MR2463362, MR2450171, and MR2188864.
MathSciNet® now contains bibliographic data and direct links for Ph.D. theses published in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics from the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database, the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses in the world. MR2713010 is an example of this type of entry in MathSciNet®. The Thesis link beneath the bibliographic data leads to the entry in the ProQuest database. New theses from Proquest are added monthly to MathSciNet®.
Gives you access to Mathematical Reviews, the main index for mathematical literature published after 1940 in the United States, as well as Current Mathematical Publications, a current awareness journal listing the latest publications (books and journal articles) in mathematics. It offers access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Over 100,000 new items are added each year.
MathSciNet® uses the Mathematics Subject Classification scheme to organize its content. You can learn more about the Mathematics Subject Classification here.
For an informative introduction and step-by-step detailed instructions on how to maximize your use of MathSciNet, check out this downloadable guide here. Instructions start on p.5.
For Video Tutorials from AMS/MSN, look under MathSciNet Tutorials or For a Video Tutorial in Spanish on MathSciNet
How to export MSN citations to Endnote:
SIAM has been publishing on timely and fundamental issues in applied mathematics and computer science. This database has the entire SIAM Library contents—both journals (15 SIAM journals) and e-books (200+).
SpringerLink is an integrated full-text database for journals, books, protocols, eReferences, and book series published by Springer. SpringerLink also offers free access to search, tables of content, abstracts, alerting services to all its resources, and full text access to subscribed resources.
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library
The ACM Digital Library is ACM’s online platform which contains the full text of every article ever published by ACM. The ACM Digital Library is fully integrated with the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, an extensive collection of bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.
On the top left of your search results will indicate if your search results are within Publications of the ACM and Affiliated Organizations or within the The ACM Guide to Computing Literature. You can toggle between searching the Guide and the ACM Digital Library by clicking on or "Expand your search to The ACM Guide to Computing Literature" or "Limit your search to Publications from ACM and Affiliated Organizations" respectively.
ACM Computing Classification System information here.