Studies show that research papers receive between 9-69% more citations when they have their underlying data publicly available 1,2. Sharing data also contributes to expanding your research network, raising your research profile in your scientific community, connecting you with potential new collaborators and promoting new research, helping you reach a wider audience and establishing links with the next generations of researchers. Sharing data prevents costly duplications of scientific efforts, supports reproducibility of research findings, enhances research integrity and promotes open scientific inquiry.
Either you are considering your personal advancement or that of science and the public good, there are several arguments you can relate to in this short video "Sharing data: good for science, good for you", produced by DANSDataArchiving.
Data sharing expectations are increasingly expressed by publishers of scientific journals. Authors are required to comply with "Data availability statements" for all data underpinning the research findings put forward in an article as part of the review process and to support reproducibility.
There is a variety in the ways data are expected to be made publicly available3 :
Many publishers have also integrated their article submission workflow with data repositories, such as Dryad or Figshare, to facilitate authors in sharing their data during publication and to ensure authors can receive credit for the output through a data-specific persistent identifier, such as a DOI (e.g. provided by DataCite) or URI (such as that provided by the EMBL-EBI’s MIRIAM Registry).
Here is a list with links to publishers' data sharing policies4 commonly directing to list of recommended repositories (the list does not intend to be comprehensive):
1. Piwowar HA, Day RS, Fridsma DB (2007) Sharing Detailed Research Data Is Associated with Increased Citation Rate. PLoS ONE 2(3): e308.
2. Piwowar HA, Vision TJ. (2013) Data reuse and the open data citation advantage. PeerJ 1:e175
3. Publisher data sharing policies. (2017, February 3). Retrieved February 4, 2018, from
4.What should be included in a Publisher Data Policy? · THOR Project. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2018, from
We offer periodic trainings about data sharing and archiving. Check the calendar at to see if there is one coming soon.
Think about what you need when you want to use other researchers' data when you decide on how to manage and share your own. This short video "Data Sharing and Management Snafu in 3 Short Acts", produced by Karen Hanson, Alisa Surkis and Karen Yacobucci in NYU Libraries, is about a data management horror story you would like to avoid.
To get a short but global perspective on the issue, watch these two short videos published by the Odum Institute: