Many universities and funding agencies provide a checklist of the important steps/factors to consider when writing a Data Management Plan (DMP). Below are links to checklists provided by some of our peer universities and as well as funding agencies.
Digital Curation Center (DCC) DMP Checklist
University College Dublin checklist
Caltech checklist
University of Queensland checklist
NCSU Elements of a DMP
Harvard University Dataverse Project checklist
The DMPTool created by the the combined efforts of the University of California Curation Center, DATAONE, Digital Curation Center (UK), Smithsonian, the libraries at UCLA, UCSD, University of Virginia and University of Illinois-Urbana Champagne. It has generic templates as well as some funder specific templates.
The Digital Curation Center (DCC) DMPonline tool. It offers guidance for researcher writing DMPs and includes templates specific to the requirement of UK funding agencies and funking agencies outside the UK.
Registration is required to access the tool.
Options for placing your data in discipline specific data repositories. The links below provide information on discipline specific data repositories. A curated educational resource on inter-related data standards, databases and policies in the life, environmental and biomedical sciences. Use the "Collections" link. The Registry of Research Data Repositories. is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Recommended Data Repositories list managed by Nature Publishing.